Lecture 11 Life in the Computer Games Industry

  • Due Nov 14, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Points 3
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit None


Module 11 Activities

  • View Lecture 11 "Life in the Computer Games Industry" via cable television, Youtube (inside this assignment).
  • Take Quiz #11 which covers this week's lecture.
  • Work on your version of Tank War and upload it to the Assignment by the due date shown on the calendar.
  • Read the article "Why do Players Stop Playing?"
  • Answer the reading comprehension questions about the "Why do Players Stop Playing" article.
  • Read this article "Six Awesome Gaming-Related Careers You Didn't Know Existed."
  • Answer the reading comprehension questions about the "Six Awesome Gaming-Related Careers You Didn't Know Existed" article.
  • Play your second console game.  Questions will be presented in the final weeks of the class.


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