Lecture 6 - System Dynamics

  • Due Oct 10, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Points 3
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit None


Module 6 Activities

  • Read Game Design Workshop chapter 5.
  • Continue to play the console game that you selected in Week 1. You will finish playing and answer more questions about it next week.
  • Create your own customized version of the game Koala Br-8.
  • View Lecture 6 "System Dynamics" via cable television, Youtube (see below).
  • After viewing the video answer the lecture questions (click "Take the Quiz" below).
  • Take Quiz #6 which covers the reading assignment and lecture.
  • Complete all of the activities in Module 6 by the due dates shown on the calendar.

To view Lecture 6 click Take the Quiz below.


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